Tori Lubecki
Following a lifestyle based on the Yamas and Niyamas, Tori infuses her teachings with her spiritual discipline.
With the discovery that yoga has a great benefit for both the mind and body, Tori embraced this segment of her journey. Following a lifestyle based on the Yamas and Niyamas, she infuses her teachings with this spiritual discipline. Her goal as a yoga guide is to hold a safe space for yoga practitioners to learn to trust themselves and their own process.
Having spent her entire life mastering the use of her body through various physical disciplines, as well as the thousands of hours spent on her own yoga mat, Tori understands anatomy, alignment, effort and ease, use of bandha, focused awareness and concentration, and uses this knowledge to train others in mastering their practice.

700+ hours of Yoga Teacher Training
At the core of your being, you already are the person you’ve always wanted to be. Practice removes everything that is not that.
“Yoga reveals the truth of who you are.”